Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis - ONLINE

This 3-day virtual hands-on workshop provides an introduction to conducting systematic reviews, evidence synthesis and meta-analyses. We will cover how to formulate an answerable research question, perform a literature search, extract data, assess study quality and risk of bias, perform a meta-analysis and report results. The course will be interactive and practical, with a mixture of lectures, hands-on tutorials and computer exercises.
  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis - ONLINE
  • 2023-09-28T00:00:00+02:00
  • 2023-09-30T23:59:59+02:00
  • This 3-day virtual hands-on workshop provides an introduction to conducting systematic reviews, evidence synthesis and meta-analyses. We will cover how to formulate an answerable research question, perform a literature search, extract data, assess study quality and risk of bias, perform a meta-analysis and report results. The course will be interactive and practical, with a mixture of lectures, hands-on tutorials and computer exercises.

Topics covered in this course:

  • Formulate an answerable research question along the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) framework
  • Perform a systematic literature review, including selection of databases, development of a search code, defining inclusion and exclusion criteria, data extraction and quality & bias assessment
  • Develop and implement an analysis plan, including determining the interventions, the outcomes and effect measure to be used
  • Understand the principles of fixed and random effects models and their differences
  • Critically assess study quality and risk of bias
  • Identify and explain heterogeneity
  • Program specific software to perform a meta-analysis
  • Report and interpret the results of meta-analyses
  • Understand the role of meta-analysis in clinical guideline development, health technology assessment and decision making
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